Friday, January 27, 2017

So, I got sexually harassed at my office. Yep, apparently it happens to guys too. I kind of guessed that he is into guys, not that I have anything against it, whatever you do with other guys is your business, but come on, you already know i'm not that kind of guy. I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND FOR GOODNESS SAKE!

On a side note, I'm currently working on a SUPER SECRET Project for my girlfriend (Yeah, i know you are reading this). Initially thought it could be finished by Valentine's Day, but turns out it took longer than I thought. Well, I guess I'll just have to keep you on suspense then.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Okay, my application for DigiPen did not work out. Realising that it might be due to my drawings I took up drawing classes.

Perhaps I should apply for a part-time study basis, just like my parents wanted. Trouble is DigiPen doesn't practice part-time studying. Maybe I'll go for Lassale or NAFA?

Studies aside, I've grown tired of my job. Chasing debts, the petty pay. Some customers are just so unreasonable and illogical, it took a toll on my mental state. Like a dementor sucking the happiness out of you.

But I just got myself 2 wedding animations projects to keep me going though, which is nice. I really hope my brand will get known and grow.