Saturday, February 14, 2009

Chingay is over. And the bees and wasps weren't featured on TV...
Well, I just think this is unfair.
Why can't the camera just features everybody at least once?
The preview and the actual show were super tiring.
Everyone single one of us could literally just die of dehydration.
It was fun dancing and performing with you guys.


I remembered mentioning one of my sis in one of my previous post.
The crazy one, the very "ON" one.
The one who celebrates anything that is celebratable.
Well, she took a vacation to be with us,
like a Santa Claus decided to take a vacation in one of the children's home.
It has been, what? 5 years since I last saw her?
It's as though she emitted a "high" aura,
that increases our chances of getting into a "high" mode.
Haha! In fact, we already get into a "high" mode during Amway's event.
Hmm... The photos are not transferable right now, so maybe next post.

And I was contacted by some MLM company.
Saying I was short-listed to work for a job interview.
Of course at that time, I wasn't sure it was MLM,
but I already had a hunch it is.
So I went, with a mind set not to accept this job.
But this MLM, so good at persuading people,
so, I came back for more.
Even though my sis kind of opposed me from joining.

Wishing everyone a very romantic Valentine's Day,
and wish those with girlfriends, to have a creative idea on celebrating.

Well... February 14th, gonna spend that day alone. Haha.

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