Really hate to blog nowadays.
Not because of it's shitty system(opps),
but because I have to log in before I can do anything.
Yeah, I know it's necessary evil, but still...
ANYWAY, It's my first lesson at O School.
Went together with Henry.
The first step into the school was very hard,
because of the look-very-pro people inside,
which makes us kinda think, "are we really qualified to join this lesson???"
Our dance teacher was Fong AKA Fongky,
you know, every dancer has their own nickname.
Yeah, his is Fongky, which sounded cool.
I dunno what I'll call myself if I ever go pro.
Jo? Jongky? Jokey?
Man, it sucks to have Jo as ur starting name.
Back to the topic, I learnt a lot today. even though it's just an hour session.
It's the right choice for me to join this lesson.
All the while, I have been wanting to learn dancing, but there's no motivation.
Straight after this lesson, I went home and start practicing till I get it right.
That's the motivation I need.
O School was having some charity event,
they were selling donated dance attires and accessories.
I bought a poet cap(as Kenny called it), and a track pants.
All that for only $30.
It's second hand, what do you expect?
And I'm totally loving this hat!
I'm like wearing it even at home!
Uh... the picture of the cap?
Next time okay? Haha!