Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I read this story of Jay Chou, about how he as a kid actually struggled with his studies and social life. I really think having someone who believes in you indefinitely can shape/change one’s destiny. My utmost respect to his mother who endured his father’s abusive nature and public’s negative rambling, and yet able to raise him single-handedly. She literally gave all her time and money to him. Comparing to other mothers in general, how many would spend all their savings to buy their sons a grand piano and Cello to develop their son’s interest? How many would persevere and find ways to enroll their son into a good school even though the school have repeatedly rejected their application? How many would still believe that their son is not an idiot even though their teachers and principals labeled them as mentally handicapped?
How many would visit their son every day at work just to be assured that he is doing well?

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