Saturday, March 30, 2013

I've been inspired lately by a movie and I've decided to jot down my thoughts.

In life, we are constantly bombarded by other people's opinion.
The end result is the person you've become. Your character.
Unfortunately, the majority of the World's population practice almost, if not, the same mindset.
I think it is very rare to meet a person who have a unique mindset of their own.
These people, when you met them, stood out like an odd ball.
They are usually meant for something big... or just plain attention seekers.
I believe that everyone in this world has a 贵人, who would change the course of your life forever, in a good way.
If you don't, most probably you haven't met yours yet. Or you just didn't realize they are your 贵人yet.

Yes, everybody has a 贵人, but if you are not matured enough, he will just pass you by and miss the chance.
Most of the time, they would still encourage you, motivate you to leave the cage of your comfort zone and upgrade you. This phase requires you to have a leap of faith, jumping to an unknown boundary, and most of the time, you will fall, but it's okay, it is human to err. But once you made it, not only that you expand your comfort zone, you would land in the MAGIC ZONE, that's where miracles happen.

This movie I've watched "3 Idiots" is a bollywood movie which was introduced to me by a friend.
Initially he mentioned that it is a comedy, till I realised at the end of the movie that it is actually an inspirational movie... okay with some comedy elements.
The story is about these 3 guys who made it into the Imperial College of engineering, with a very competitive environment.
2 of which were enrolled upon their families expectation, whereby "Rancho" enrolled simply because of his passion for machines.
Along the course of studies, Rancho's conventional way of problem solving go against the school method of teaching, whereby each students were expected to stick with existing solutions with restricted imaginations.
The 3 idiots came together by fate when they were assigned the same room.
Along the way, with Rancho's help, the other 2 idiots, who were blindly following the school's system starts opening to his conventional way of thinking, and saved them from a few would be unfortunate incident.

That's all for the write up, hope it aroused enough curiosity for you to watch it. Below is the link, and I really recommend any of you to watch it.

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