Sunday, August 02, 2009

To those who didn't know...

Lots of things happened there.
And I returned an SNSD fan.
All thanks to the SNSD music Ridwan and gang played during the journey.

My laptop got jet-lag and now, it's processing REALLY slow~
I guess it got sore throat too,
since no sound is coming out although I full blast the volume.

Anyway, the last 3 days was really hectic.
Projects, projects and more projects.
I just had presentation 2 days ago,
and I was so unprepared.

Yesterday afternoon was the only time I can so called relax.
supposed to have dance lesson,
but our instructor was having a competition.
SOOOOOO, me and Judy went Heeren to support his group instead!
And congrats, he made it into the semi-finals!
Other groups were dope too.
Totally rock my socks!

I have the photos...
but dunno why my blogspot doesn't allow me to upload pics,
when I see other blogspot users able to upload pictures.
Time to reformat?

So Percussion Ensemble and stagearts are having a performance later.
It's some National Day thing, with Prime Minister as VIP.
Wow, some big shot.
I'm going down later as a photographer.
Gonna video down percussion ensemble and Judy's performance.

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