Friday, December 14, 2007

Common Test is over... now what? Not forgetting to do my holiday projects. Projects, projects and more projects, can die one. Some more I'm doing a solo project work when everyone else is doing in pairs. I thought I'll do better doing in solo, and it would be less stress, well it is! I'm glad I'm doing it solo.

Surf around youtube for some locking actions. I checked on Ian Poh's videos since he uploaded videos of him and his peeps locking often. The more I watched, the more I hate myself for not being able to get into Foreign Body. Gah! Now I'm wishing that someday I could be friends with Ian Poh, then he could teach me locking. It's like so damn cool and interesting!

That video doesn't have much locking by the way, most of them are popping. Only a number of them did locking I think. Ian Poh did the videoing and how sad can it be when you videoed other people and yet you didn't video yourself. Haha!


Oh my gosh... Heroes is in my Best TV Series List now. All this while, I thought Noah is a villain, until episode 16 whereby he sacrificed himself to save his daughter. Well, not his real daughter, but you got he point. So many unexpected events came up one after another. And about how each of these "heroes" are somehow connected to each other. Questions came up one episode after another, after one question is answered, yet another one pop up. Wow, how did they film all this? That is brilliant!

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